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Cultivating Your Superhero Cap

“Playing dress-up begins at age five and never truly ends,” Kate Spade. Most little girls play dress up, whether it’s playing pretend in mother’s clothes or fancy princess dresses, so the act of dressing in certain clothes to feel special starts at a young age. Dressing in gowns for weddings or galas can make any woman feel like a princess, but does the fancy gown give the woman more confidence or merely allow for her confidence to shine through? 

 Anne Klein once said, "Clothes aren't going to change the world, the women wearing them will."  Both Kate Spade and Anne Klein are and were women's fashion designers and yet these two quotes I believe challenge their job titles: do the clothes make the woman or do the woman make the clothes? 

Could the answers to this question possibly be a little of both?

As women, having the right clothes is similar to having a superhero cape, empowering you to use your skills and talents, but not actually the tool that helps you fly.  Perhaps, clothing is the statement you express to the world while the world is getting to know the woman that will change it. Vera Wang furthers the theory, “I want people to see the dress but focus on the woman.”  

So, when getting prepped to tackle your day think of this famous anonymous quote, “Confidence is the most beautiful thing a woman can wear.” Make that your first and most important piece of every outfit. Follow it up by choosing garments that speak to you, showcase your personality and represent the message you wish to share with the world. Find pieces that give you a boost on those days you doubt yourself, get power from your pumps, fearlessness from a bold blouse, and let your creative juices flow with a statement pant. Enhance your individuality with your wardrobe, and together let you and fashion create an unstoppable pair.  Allow your wardrobe to have your back and take you places because YOU ARE already the WOW-factor in your perfect outfit.

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